Ashley Lee

Ashley Lee, age 22, is from Fairfax, Virginia and began studying piano at the age of five. She is a fourth year undergraduate student at the Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University and is studying with Dr. Steven Spooner. Most recently, she was chosen to be a fellow at the Sarasota Music Festival where she performed in several chamber groups and worked with artists such as Jasmine Choi and Robert Levin. She has also participated in the Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival, the Chicago International Music Festival, and the Vivace International Music Festival. Over the course of her studies, she has played in master classes taught by pianists including Anne-Marie McDermott, Jeffrey Kahane, and Roberto Plano. Ashley is an active collaborative pianist at the Peabody Conservatory. Along with playing chamber music with her colleagues, she has accompanied numerous vocalists and instrumentalists ranging from elementary school to graduate students.