Ethan Sandman

Cellist Ethan Sandman began his cello studies at the Colburn School. He has been heard on various radio broadcasts worldwide. Ethan was a frequent guest on the Los Angeles Contemporary Museum of Art’s radio broadcast classical music series, Sundays Live, and was also featured on Israeli Public Radio as part of a live broadcast at the Tel-Aviv Opera House. Ethan has appeared as a soloist with the Colburn Youth Orchestra and the Montecito Chamber Orchestra. He has received masterclasses from Leon Fleisher, Robert DeMaine, Hillel Zori, Gary Hoffman, Jan Vogler, Lynn Harrell and Janos Starker. Ethan has been a musician at YellowBarn and the Moritzburg Festival Academy and has played chamber music alongside musicians such as Itzhak Rashkovsky, Hagai Shaham, Andreas Brantleid, Peter Bruns, Mira Wang and Ruth Killius. Committed to introducing audiences to the music of our time, Ethan has collaborated with musicians such as Claire Chase, members of the JACK Quartet, and composers such as Selim Göncü, Tyshawn Sorey, Chaya Czernowin, and Joshua Hey.