Natalia Vilchis

Natalia Vilchis is a 28 year old cellist originally from Monterrey, Mexico. She has won the first prize in the Nacional Violoncello Competition (Mexico) three consecutive times (2010, 2012 and 2014), as well as the Best Mexican Contemporary Piece Award. In 2012 she obtained the Silver Medal at the Forte International Music Competition in New York City. She was also finalist at the Young Virtuosos International Music Competition 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria. In 2020 she won the second prize in the Mount Vernon Virtuosi Cello Competition.

She has performed as a soloist accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra of ESMDM, the Chamber Orchestra of UANL, and the National Mexican Baroque Orchestra performing in several Concert Halls in Monterrey (Centro de las Artes, Aula Magna, Teatro de la Ciudad), Morelia (National Library) and Mexico City (Blas Galindo Auditory), as well as the Liederkranz Concert Hall in New York City. She has also performed as a soloist in Haus Der Musik Festival, Santa Lucia’s International Festival, San Miguel de Allende International Chamber Music Festival, and Morelia’s Baroque Music Festival. Natalia was also selected to perform in a Master Class taught by the renowned cellist Yo-yo Ma in Mexico City.

From 2015 until 2018 she was a member of the ESMDM String Quartet and was also principal cellist at the Chamber Orchestra of UANL. Since 2021 she is the principal cellist of the Mount Vernon Virtuosi Orchestra and a regular member of the Mount Vernon Virtuosi Cello Gang. She is also the principal cellist of Fairfax Symphony Orchestra since February 2023.

In 2016 she was an active performer at Academia Musicale Chigiana, in the Studio of Antonio Meneses in Siena, Italy. She also attended the Pierre Monteux Music School and Music Festival in the summer of 2017 and 2018, and the Keshet Eilon Summer Master-course 2022 in Israel, performing alongside with Sergei Ostrovsky and Noemie Bialobroda.

She recently recorded the album “Bach 6 with 4” released by CTM Classics with Amit Peled and the MVV Cello Gang.

Natalia is graduated with a Master’s Degree in Violoncello Performance and currently pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts degree at the Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland in the Studio of Professor Amit Peled.